
Gerrit can automatically notify users by email when new changes are uploaded for review, after comments have been posted on a change, or after the change has been submitted to a branch.

Recipient Type

Those are the available recipient types:

  • TO: The standard To field is used; addresses are visible to all.

  • CC: The standard CC field is used; addresses are visible to all.

  • BCC: SMTP RCPT TO is used to hide the address.

User Level Settings

Individual users can configure email subscriptions by editing their notifications in the Web UI under Settings > Notifications.

Specific projects may be watched, or the special project All-Projects can be watched to watch all projects that are visible to the user.

Change search expressions can be used to filter change notifications to specific subsets, for example branch:master to only see changes proposed for the master branch. If a filter would match at the All-Projects level as well as a specific project, the more specific project’s notification settings are used.

Notification mails for new changes and new patch sets are not sent to the change owner.

Notification mails for comments added on changes are not sent to the user who added the comment unless the user has enabled the 'Every comment' option in the user preferences.

Project Level Settings

Project owners and site administrators can configure project level notifications, enabling Gerrit Code Review to automatically send emails to team mailing lists, or groups of users. Project settings are stored inside of the refs/meta/config branch of each Git repository, and are placed inside of the project.config file.

To edit the project level notify settings, ensure the project owner has Push permission already granted for the refs/meta/config branch. Consult access controls for details on how access permissions work.

Initialize a temporary Git repository to edit the configuration:

  mkdir cfg_dir
  cd cfg_dir
  git init

Download the existing configuration from Gerrit:

  git fetch ssh://localhost:29418/project refs/meta/config
  git checkout FETCH_HEAD

Enable notifications to an email address by adding to project.config, this can be done using the git config command:

  git config -f project.config --add
  git config -f project.config --add

Examining the project.config file with any text editor should show a new notify section describing the email addresses to deliver to:

  [notify "team"]
  	email =
  	email =

Each notify section within a single project.config file must have a unique name. The section name itself does not matter and may later appear in the web UI. Naming a section after the email address or group it delivers to is typical. Multiple sections can be specified if different filters are needed.

Commit the configuration change, and push it back:

  git commit -a -m "Notify of changes"
  git push ssh://localhost:29418/project HEAD:refs/meta/config

List of email addresses to send matching notifications to. Each email address should be placed on its own line.

Internal groups within Gerrit Code Review can also be named using group NAME syntax. If this format is used the group’s UUID must also appear in the corresponding groups file. Gerrit will expand the group membership and BCC all current users.


Types of notifications to send. If not specified, all notifications are sent.

  • new_changes: Only newly created changes.

  • new_patchsets: Only newly created patch sets.

  • all_comments: Only comments on existing changes.

  • submitted_changes: Only changes that have been submitted.

  • abandoned_changes: Only changes that have been abandoned.

  • all: All notifications.

Like email, this variable may be a list of options.


Email header used to list the destination. If not set BCC is used. Only one value may be specified. To use different headers for each address list them in different notify blocks.

The possible options are the recipient types.


Change search expression to match changes that should be sent to the emails named in this section. Within a Git-style configuration file double quotes around complex operator values may need to be escaped, e.g. filter = branch:\"^(maint|stable)-.*\". Single quotes are illegal and must be omitted.

When sending email to a bare email address in a notify block, Gerrit Code Review ignores read access controls and assumes the administrator has set the filtering options correctly. Project owners can implement security filtering by adding the visibleto:groupname predicate to the filter expression, for example:

  [notify "Developers"]
  	email =
  	filter = visibleto:Developers

When sending email to an internal group, the internal group’s read access is automatically checked by Gerrit and therefore does not need to use the visibleto: operator in the filter.

Email Footers

Notification emails related to changes include metadata about the change to support writing mail filters. This metadata is included in the form of footers in the message content. For HTML emails, these footers are hidden, but they can be examined by viewing the HTML source of messages.

In this way users may apply filters and rules to their incoming Gerrit notifications using the values of these footers. For example a Gmail filter to find emails regarding reviews that you are a reviewer of might take the following form.

  "Gerrit-Reviewer: Your Name <>"

The message type footer states the type of the message and will take one of the following values.

  • abandon

  • comment

  • deleteReviewer

  • deleteVote

  • merged

  • newchange

  • newpatchset

  • restore

  • revert


The change ID footer states the ID of the change, such as I3443af49fcdc16ca941ee7cf2b5e33c1106f3b1d.


The change number footer states the change number of the change, for example 92191.


The patch set footer states the number of the patch set that the email relates to. For example, a notification email for a vote being set on the seventh patch set will take a value of 7.


The owner footer states the name and email address of the change’s owner. For example, Owner Name <>.


The reviewer footers list the names and email addresses of the change’s reviewrs. One footer is included for each reviewer. For example, if a change has two reviewers, the footers might include:

  Gerrit-Reviewer: Reviewer One <>
  Gerrit-Reviewer: Reviewer Two <>

The CC footers list the names and email addresses of those who have been CC’d on the change. One footer is included for each reviewer. For example, if a change CCs two users, the footers might include:

  Gerrit-CC: User One <>
  Gerrit-CC: User Two <>

The project footer states the project to which the change belongs.


The branch footer states the abbreviated name of the branch that the change targets.


In comment emails, the comment date footer states the date that the comment was posted.


In comment emails, the has-comments footer states whether inline comments had been posted in that notification using "Yes" or "No", for example Gerrit-HasComments: Yes.


In comment emails, the has-labels footer states whether label votes had been posted in that notification using "Yes" or "No", for example Gerrit-Has-Labels: No.


In comment emails, a comment-in-reply-to footer is present for each account who has a comment that is replied-to in that set of comments. For example, to apply a filter to Gerrit messages in which your own diff comments are responded to, you might search for the following:

  Gerrit-Comment-In-Reply-To: User Name <>