Metrics about Gerrit’s internal state can be sent to external monitoring systems via plugins. See the plugin documentation for details of plugin implementations.


The following metrics are reported.


  • build/label: Version of Gerrit server software.

  • events: Triggered events.

    • type: The type of the event.


  • action/retry_attempt_count: Number of retry attempts made by RetryHelper to execute an action (0 == single attempt, no retry)

    • action_type: The type of the action that was retried.

    • operation_name: The name of the operation that was retried.

    • cause: The original cause that triggered the retry.

  • action/retry_timeout_count: Number of action executions of RetryHelper that ultimately timed out

    • action_type: The type of the action that was retried.

    • operation_name: The name of the operation that was retried.

    • cause: The original cause that triggered the retry.

  • action/auto_retry_count: Number of automatic retries with tracing

    • action_type: The type of the action that was retried.

    • operation_name: The name of the operation that was retried.

    • cause: The cause for the retry.

  • action/failures_on_auto_retry_count: Number of failures on auto retry

    • action_type: The type of the action that was retried.

    • operation_name: The name of the operation that was retried.

    • cause: The cause for the retry.


  • cancellation/advisory_deadline_count: Exceeded advisory deadlines by request

    • request_type: The type of the request to which the advisory deadline applied.

    • request_uri: The redacted URI of the request to which the advisory deadline applied (only set for request_type = REST).

    • deadline_id: The ID of the advisory deadline.

  • cancellation/cancelled_requests_count: Number of request cancellations by request

    • request_type: The type of the request that was cancelled.

    • request_uri: The redacted URI of the request that was cancelled (only set for request_type = REST).

    • cancellation_reason: The reason why the request was cancelled.

  • cancellation/receive_timeout_count: Number of requests that are cancelled because receive.timout is exceeded

    • cancellation_type: The cancellation type (graceful or forceful).


  • performance/operations: Latency of performing operations

    • operation_name: The operation that was performed.

    • request: The request for which the operation was performed (format = '<request-type> <redacted-request-uri>').

    • plugin: The name of the plugin that performed the operation.

  • performance/operations_count: Number of performed operations

    • operation_name: The operation that was performed.

    • request: The request for which the operation was performed (format = '<request-type> <redacted-request-uri>').

    • plugin: The name of the plugin that performed the operation.


  • receivecommits/changes: histogram of number of changes processed in a single upload

    • type: type of push (create/replace, autoclose)

  • receivecommits/latency_per_push: processing delay for a processing single push

    • type: type of push (create/replace, autoclose, normal)

  • receivecommits/latency_per_push_per_change: Processing delay per push divided by the number of changes in said push. (Only includes pushes which contain changes.)

    • type: type of push (create/replace, autoclose, normal)

  • receivecommits/timeout: rate of push timeouts

  • receivecommits/ps_revision_missing: errors due to patch set revision missing

  • receivecommits/push_count: number of pushes

    • kind: The push kind (magic, direct or direct_submit).

    • project: The name of the project for which the push is done.


  • receivecommits/reject_count: number of rejected pushes

    • kind: The push kind ('magic push'/'magic push by service user' if it was a push for code review, 'direct push'/'direct push by service user' if it was a direct push, 'magic push by service, 'magic or direct push'/'magic or direct push by service user' if the push kind couldn’t be detected).

    • reason: The rejection reason.

    • status: The HTTP status code.


  • proc/birth_timestamp: Time at which the Gerrit process started.

  • proc/uptime: Uptime of the Gerrit process.

  • proc/cpu/num_cores: Number of processors available to the Java virtual machine.

  • proc/cpu/usage: CPU time used by the Gerrit process.

  • proc/cpu/system_load: System load average for the last minute.

  • proc/num_open_fds: Number of open file descriptors.

  • proc/jvm/memory/allocated: Total memory allocated by all threads since Gerrit process started.

  • proc/jvm/memory/heap_committed: Amount of memory guaranteed for user objects.

  • proc/jvm/memory/heap_used: Amount of memory holding user objects.

  • proc/jvm/memory/non_heap_committed: Amount of memory guaranteed for classes, etc.

  • proc/jvm/memory/non_heap_used: Amount of memory holding classes, etc.

  • proc/jvm/memory/object_pending_finalization_count: Approximate number of objects needing finalization.

  • proc/jvm/gc/count: Number of GCs.

    • gc_name: The name of the garbage collector.

  • proc/jvm/gc/time: Approximate accumulated GC elapsed time.

    • gc_name: The name of the garbage collector.

  • proc/jvm/memory/pool/committed: Committed amount of memory for pool.

    • pool_name: The name of the memory pool.

  • proc/jvm/memory/pool/max: Maximum amount of memory for pool.

    • pool_name: The name of the memory pool.

  • proc/jvm/memory/pool/used: Used amount of memory for pool.

    • pool_name: The name of the memory pool.

  • proc/jvm/thread/num_live: Current live thread count.

  • proc/jvm/thread/num_daemon_live: Current live daemon threads count.

  • proc/jvm/thread/num_peak_live: Peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine started or peak was reset.

  • proc/jvm/thread/num_total_started: Total number of threads created and also started since the Java virtual machine started.

  • proc/jvm/thread/num_deadlocked_threads: Number of threads that are deadlocked waiting for object monitors or ownable synchronizers. If deadlocks waiting for ownable synchronizers can be monitored depends on the capabilities of the used JVM.


  • caches/memory_cached: Memory entries.

    • cache_name: The name of the cache.

  • caches/memory_hit_ratio: Memory hit ratio.

    • cache_name: The name of the cache.

  • caches/memory_eviction_count: Memory eviction count.

    • cache_name: The name of the cache.

  • caches/disk_cached: Disk entries used by persistent cache.

    • cache_name: The name of the cache.

  • caches/disk_hit_ratio: Disk hit ratio for persistent cache.

    • cache_name: The name of the cache.

  • caches/refresh_count: The number of refreshes per cache with an indicator if a reload was necessary.

    • cache: The name of the cache.

    • outdated: Whether the cache entry was outdated on reload.

  • caches/diff/timeouts: The number of git file diff computations that resulted in timeouts.

  • caches/diff/legacy/timeouts: The number of git file diff computations (using the legacy cache) that resulted in timeouts.

Cache disk metrics are expensive to compute on larger installations and are not computed by default. They can be enabled via the cache.enableDiskStatMetrics setting.


  • change/count_rebases: Total number of rebases

    • on_behalf_of_uploader: Whether the rebase was done on behalf of the uploader. If the uploader does a rebase with ‘on_behalf_of_uploader = true’, the flag is ignored and a normal rebase is done, hence such rebases are recorded as ‘on_behalf_of_uploader` = false’.

    • rebase_chain: Whether a chain was rebased.

    • allow_conflicts: Whether the rebase was done with allowing conflicts.

  • change/submitted_with_rebaser_approval: Number of rebased changes that were submitted with a Code-Review approval of the rebaser that would not have been submittable if the rebase was not done on behalf of the uploader.

  • change/submit_rule_evaluation: Latency for evaluating submit rules on a change.

  • change/submit_type_evaluation: Latency for evaluating the submit type on a change.

  • change/post_review/draft_handling: Total number of draft handling option (KEEP, PUBLISH, PUBLISH_ALL_REVISIONS) selected by users while posting a review.

    • type: The type of the draft handling option (KEEP, PUBLISH, PUBLISH_ALL_REVISIONS).


  • ported_comments/as_patchset_level: Total number of comments ported as patchset-level comments.

  • ported_comments/as_file_level: Total number of comments ported as file-level comments.

  • ported_comments/as_range_comments: Total number of comments having line/range values in the ported patchset.



  • http/server/jetty/connections/connections: The current number of open connections

  • http/server/jetty/connections/connections_total: The total number of connections opened

  • http/server/jetty/connections/connections_duration_max: The max duration of a connection in ms

  • http/server/jetty/connections/connections_duration_mean: The mean duration of a connection in ms

  • http/server/jetty/connections/connections_duration_stdev: The standard deviation of the duration of a connection in ms

  • http/server/jetty/connections/received_messages: The total number of messages received

  • http/server/jetty/connections/sent_messages: The total number of messages sent

  • http/server/jetty/connections/received_bytes: Total number of bytes received by tracked connections

  • http/server/jetty/connections/sent_bytes: Total number of bytes sent by tracked connections

  • http/server/jetty/threadpool/active_threads: Active threads

  • http/server/jetty/threadpool/idle_threads: Idle threads

  • http/server/jetty/threadpool/reserved_threads: Reserved threads

  • http/server/jetty/threadpool/max_pool_size: Maximum thread pool size

  • http/server/jetty/threadpool/min_pool_size: Minimum thread pool size

  • http/server/jetty/threadpool/pool_size: Current thread pool size

  • http/server/jetty/threadpool/queue_size: Queued requests waiting for a thread

  • http/server/jetty/threadpool/is_low_on_threads: Whether thread pool is low on threads


  • ldap/login_latency: Latency of logins.

  • ldap/user_search_latency: Latency for searching the user account.

  • ldap/group_search_latency: Latency for querying the group memberships of an account.

  • ldap/group_expansion_latency: Latency for expanding nested groups.


  • http/server/error_count: Rate of REST API error responses.

    • status: HTTP status code

  • http/server/success_count: Rate of REST API success responses.

    • status: HTTP status code

  • http/server/rest_api/count: Rate of REST API calls by view.

    • view: view implementation class

  • http/server/rest_api/change_id_type: Rate of REST API calls by change ID type.

    • change_id_type: The type of the change identifier.

  • http/server/rest_api/error_count: Rate of REST API calls by view.

    • view: view implementation class

    • error_code: HTTP status code

    • cause: The cause of the error.

  • http/server/rest_api/server_latency: REST API call latency by view.

    • view: view implementation class

  • http/server/rest_api/response_bytes: Size of REST API response on network (may be gzip compressed) by view.

    • view: view implementation class

  • http/server/rest_api/change_json/to_change_info_latency: Latency for toChangeInfo invocations in ChangeJson.

  • http/server/rest_api/change_json/to_change_info_latency/parent_data_computation: Latency for computing parent data information in toRevisionInfo invocations in RevisionJson. See ParentInfo.

  • http/server/rest_api/change_json/to_change_infos_latency: Latency for toChangeInfos invocations in ChangeJson.

  • http/server/rest_api/change_json/format_query_results_latency: Latency for formatQueryResults invocations in ChangeJson.

  • http/server/rest_api/ui_actions/latency: Latency for RestView#getDescription calls.

    • view: view implementation class


  • query/query_latency: Successful query latency, accumulated over the life of the process.

    • index: index name

Core Queues

The following queues support metrics:

  • default WorkQueue

  • index batch

  • index interactive

  • receive commits

  • send email

  • ssh batch worker

  • ssh command start

  • ssh interactive worker

  • ssh stream worker

Each queue provides the following metrics:

  • queue/<queue_name>/pool_size: Current number of threads in the pool

  • queue/<queue_name>/max_pool_size: Maximum allowed number of threads in the pool

  • queue/<queue_name>/active_threads: Number of threads that are actively executing tasks

  • queue/<queue_name>/scheduled_tasks: Number of scheduled tasks in the queue

  • queue/<queue_name>/total_scheduled_tasks_count: Total number of tasks that have been scheduled

  • queue/<queue_name>/total_completed_tasks_count: Total number of tasks that have completed execution

SSH sessions

  • sshd/sessions/connected: Number of currently connected SSH sessions.

  • sshd/sessions/created: Rate of new SSH sessions.

  • sshd/sessions/authentication_failures: Rate of SSH authentication failures.


  • topic/cross_project_submit: number of cross-project topic submissions.

  • topic/cross_project_submit_completed: number of cross-project topic submissions that concluded successfully.


  • jgit/block_cache/cache_used : Bytes of memory retained in JGit block cache.

  • jgit/block_cache/open_files : File handles held open by JGit block cache.

  • avg_load_time : Average time to load a cache entry for JGit block cache.

  • total_load_time : Total time to load cache entries for JGit block cache.

  • eviction_count : Cache evictions for JGit block cache.

  • eviction_ratio : Cache eviction ratio for JGit block cache.

  • hit_count : Cache hits for JGit block cache.

  • hit_ratio : Cache hit ratio for JGit block cache.

  • load_failure_count : Failed cache loads for JGit block cache.

  • load_failure_ratio : Failed cache load ratio for JGit block cache.

  • load_success_count : Successful cache loads for JGit block cache.

  • miss_count : Cache misses for JGit block cache.

  • miss_ratio : Cache miss ratio for JGit block cache.

  • cache_used_per_repository : Bytes of memory retained per repository for the top N repositories having most data in the cache. The number N of reported repositories is limited to 1000.

    • repository_name: The name of the repository. Note that it is a subject of sanitization in order to avoid collision between repository names. Rules are:

      • any character outside ([a-zA-Z0-9_-])* pattern is replaced with _0x[HEX CODE]_ (code is capitalized) string

      • for instance repo/name is sanitized to repo_0x2F_name

      • if repository name contains the replacement prefix (_0x) it is prefixed with another _0x e.g. repo_0x2F_name becomes repo_0x_0x2F_name


  • git/upload-pack/request_count: Total number of git-upload-pack requests.

    • operation: The name of the operation (CLONE, FETCH).

  • git/upload-pack/bitmap_index_misses_count: Number of bitmap index misses per request.

    • operation: The name of the operation (CLONE, FETCH).

  • git/upload-pack/no_bitmap_index: Total number of requests executed without a bitmap index.

    • operation: The name of the operation (CLONE, FETCH).

  • git/upload-pack/phase_counting: Time spent in the 'Counting…​' phase.

    • operation: The name of the operation (CLONE, FETCH).

  • git/upload-pack/phase_compressing: Time spent in the 'Compressing…​' phase.

    • operation: The name of the operation (CLONE, FETCH).

  • git/upload-pack/phase_negotiating: Time spent in the negotiation phase.

    • operation: The name of the operation (CLONE, FETCH).

  • git/upload-pack/phase_searching_for_reuse: Time spent in the 'Finding sources…​' while searching for reuse phase.

    • operation: The name of the operation (CLONE, FETCH).

  • git/upload-pack/phase_searching_for_sizes: Time spent in the 'Finding sources…​' while searching for sizes phase.

    • operation: The name of the operation (CLONE, FETCH).

  • git/upload-pack/phase_writing: Time spent transferring bytes to client.

    • operation: The name of the operation (CLONE, FETCH).

  • git/upload-pack/pack_bytes: Distribution of sizes of packs sent to clients.

    • operation: The name of the operation (CLONE, FETCH).

  • git/auto-merge/num_operations: Number of auto merge operations and context.

    • operation: The type of the operation (CACHE_LOAD, IN_MEMORY_WRITE, ON_DISK_WRITE).

  • git/auto-merge/latency: Latency of auto merge operations and context.

    • operation: The type of the operation (CACHE_LOAD, IN_MEMORY_WRITE, ON_DISK_WRITE).


  • notedb/update_latency: NoteDb update latency for changes.

  • notedb/stage_update_latency: Latency for staging change updates to NoteDb.

  • notedb/read_latency: NoteDb read latency for changes.

  • notedb/parse_latency: NoteDb parse latency for changes.

  • notedb/external_id_cache_load_count: Total number of times the external ID cache loader was called.

    • partial: Whether the reload was partial.

  • notedb/external_id_partial_read_latency: Latency for generating a new external ID cache state from a prior state.

  • notedb/external_id_update_count: Total number of external ID updates.

  • notedb/read_all_external_ids_latency: Latency for reading all external ID’s from NoteDb.

  • notedb/read_single_account_config_latency: Latency for reading a single account config from NoteDb.

  • notedb/read_single_external_id_latency: Latency for reading a single external ID from NoteDb.


  • permissions/permission_collection/filter_latency: Latency for access filter computations in PermissionCollection

  • permissions/ref_filter/full_filter_count: Rate of full ref filter operations

  • permissions/ref_filter/skip_filter_count: Rate of ref filter operations where we skip full evaluation because the user can read all refs


  • validation/file_count: Track number of files per change during commit validation, if it exceeds the FILE_COUNT_WARNING_THRESHOLD threshold.

    • file_count: number of files in the patchset

    • host_repo: host and repository of the change in the format 'host/repo'

Reviewer Suggestion

  • reviewer_suggestion/query_accounts: Latency for querying accounts for reviewer suggestion.

  • reviewer_suggestion/recommend_accounts: Latency for recommending accounts for reviewer suggestion.

  • reviewer_suggestion/load_accounts: Latency for loading accounts for reviewer suggestion.

  • reviewer_suggestion/query_groups: Latency for querying groups for reviewer suggestion.

  • reviewer_suggestion/filter_visibility: Latency for removing users that can’t see the change

Repo Sequences

  • sequence/next_id_latency: Latency of requesting IDs from repo sequences.

    • sequence: The sequence from which IDs were retrieved.

    • multiple: Whether more than one ID was retrieved.


  • plugin/latency: Latency for plugin invocation.

    • `plugin_name`" The name of the plugin.

    • class: The class of the plugin that was invoked.

    • export_value: The export name under which the invoked class is registered.

  • plugin/error_count: Number of plugin errors.

    • `plugin_name`" The name of the plugin.

    • class: The class of the plugin that was invoked.

    • export_value: The export name under which the invoked class is registered.


  • group/guess_relevant_groups_latency: Latency for guessing relevant groups.

  • group/handles_count: Number of calls to GroupBackend.handles.

  • group/get_count: Number of calls to GroupBackend.get.

  • group/suggest_count: Number of calls to GroupBackend.suggest.

  • group/contains_count: Number of calls to GroupMemberships.contains.

  • group/contains_any_of_count: Number of calls to GroupMemberships.containsAnyOf.

  • group/intersection_count: Number of calls to GroupMemberships.intersection.

  • group/known_groups_count: Number of calls to GroupMemberships.getKnownGroups.

Replication Plugin

  • plugins/replication/replication_latency: Time spent pushing to remote destination.

    • destination: The destination of the replication.

  • plugins/replication/replication_delay: Time spent waiting before pushing to remote destination.

    • destination: The destination of the replication.

  • plugins/replication/replication_retries: Number of retries when pushing to remote destination.

    • destination: The destination of the replication.

  • plugins/replication/latency_slower_than_threshold: latency for project to destination, where latency was slower than threshold

    • slow_threshold: The threshold.

    • project: The name of the project.

    • destination: The destination of the replication.


  • license/cla_check_count: Total number of CLA check requests.